You want to have the best website so that you can make sales. In this high competitive world of the internet business, you must come up with outstanding marketing programs to promote your website. Even though you may have the best website to sell your product, you must let the potential costumers know that you exist. Otherwise, you will go out of business before you even begin.
Let us discuss one option which is viral marketing. It can be fun, entertaining and yet serious. It is a means of advertising your product or service. It is passed on from one friend to another or costumer to costumer. When it is seen by one person and is liked, it will be passed on to someone else. It is like the train that keeps rolling along.
How many times have you seen an e-mail from a friend that you liked and then passed it on to someone else? As an example, it may have been a hummingbird video getting nectar our of a flower. It may have been some gossip about a member of the family. This works the same way.
What you do then is come up with a funny video, game or amusing story that tells something about your product. You send it via e-mail or one of the social media formats. Of course, you want to be sure to tell your website information in the marketing. The potential costumer will want to know how to contact you.
One advantage is that this is not a costly way of doing advertising. Another advantage is because you are sending the advertising out under your name. The person will read the ad for they will not consider it spam.
You may want to give an incentive or prize with this advertising. Why do think department stores are always giving away coupons for costumers to get extra discounts when purchasing products? Of course, it is to bring more costumers into the store. You can use the same idea for your viral advertising. It tickles the imagination as to how the costumer can use the product or service. What ever you do, make the advertising interesting. Be creative!
The success of your internet business depends upon advertising to get traffic to your site. Now, it is your turn to use viral marketing just as big successful companies have done. It will certainly help to grow your business and thusly your profits. Be creative and good luck!!